Sunday, March 29, 2009

Why a legal Defense Fund?

The Courts are preparing to change parental custody of my daugher, from me to her "f", in California. I do not agree with this change. I agreed that she needed a different visitation schedule i.e. longer summer break and some holiday time. But I do not agree with the current recommendation that she (almost 8 years old) be the one traveling between states 2-3 times a month. The travel schedule would prevent her from being in a church choir, participating in dance performances or being engaged in either community, and needless to say I believe it would diminish the bond that she and I share. There is no need to uproot her from Colorado.

Currently she visits with her "f" and his family once a month for a weekend. She enjoys her visits, and loves her "f" and his family. She also understands that I do not like him; and that it is o.k. for her to like him even though I do not. In fact I use our relationship as an illustration about dealing with someone even though you do not like them. I make it a goal to support her relationship with her "f". So that she can come to her own conclusions about his personality, morals and values.

$ 10,000 to get a hire a licensed family evaluator to review my daughters environment with me and prepare a recommendation to the court on the best interest of my daughter.
$ 20,000 to hire an attorney in California to represent my case at trial.
$ 2,800 to travel to California for hearings and an extensive trial.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

A legal defense fund

So, my step dad is irate about the situation. My daughter's "F" has been threatening to take her away from me since before she was born. Now $220,000 and 8 years later it looks like he will succeed. We are convinced it is a money issue. My daughter's "f" has two attorneys working to ensure this for him. In the last six months their filings with the court are over 7 inches thick of paperwork. I did not have the emotional stamina to open the envelopes let alone read the volumes of legal documentation. I do not have an attorney because I cannot afford one. I spent my retirement savings when my bijou was born defending our rights in court. But now we live month to month, trying to keep from filing for bankruptcy. I want to find a way to connect with other single moms who understand the strain of a long term fight with their child's other parent. Out side of the emotional support, I also need financial support. My step dad has opened a bank account for a legal defense fund. I will forward all my attorney fees to him and he will manage the payment for my legal fees from that account. Has anyone had success with this in the past?

Protecting our children

Would you be willing to go to jail to protect your child/Children?
My Bijous "F" wanted to pick her up for his scheduled weekend. I sent him an email the day before letting him know she was ill and for him to pick another weekend. He showed up anyway. Brought the police to our home. Insisting that he be able to take her. I said no. I violated the court order because the order has no language about what to do when the child is sick. I now have to do community service and jail time over the weekend.