July 9, 2009
Dear President Obama
I have a request for assistance and intervention in a legal matter. I am a single mom of color. I am a proud single mom, who is struggling to maintain my constitutional rights in the family court system.
1. Roe vs. Wade gave me the right, as an American, to choose if I will have a child or abort the child. I believe it is unjust to be forced to share the child with the father whom I do not trust. Why should my rights to make decisions for my child change when she is born? Why should a mother lose her rights to her child? Through the eyes of the family court, It is as though it is illegal to want to be a single parent.
2. Before the child was born her father threatened many things including his intent to enforce his rights to her upon her birth. As a result, by his request, for two years my 14th amendment rights to travel within the United States were constrained by orders of the family court. And recently I was incarcerated for refusing to allow my child to stay overnight with her father due to the need to apply medication to her vaginal area.
3. I cannot afford legal representation. However, I am ordered to appear in court, two states away, time and time again. Since my income is minimal, why can’t I be assigned an attorney or public defender? In the family court system, in such a complicated case, if I were married to the other party, he would be ordered to cover my legal expenses; as he is the wealthier party. However this does not apply to unmarried parties.
Because I decided to have my child, as a single parent, my life has been turned inside out by the father of the child, whom I dated for two months via the family courts. The father of my child has spent over $200,000 in legal fees, fighting for custody of our child, and control over my life and that of my daughters.
Currently, I possess full physical and legal custody of my daughter. Her father has motioned the court for a change in custody. I need assistance and request your intervention to help level the playing field. I am self-represented an overwhelmed by the magnitude of what is before me. I simply cannot match the legal knowledge of his experienced legal counsel.
My daughter is important to me. My freedom and my sanity are equally important to me. I don’t feel I have anywhere else to turn. Our trial is scheduled for August 3rd 2009 in Department 72 of Santa Clara Superior Court.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I anticipate your timely reply.
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